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RAMW-EF and NRA Provide 'Green Kitchen' Audits to Local Schools

September 10, 2009


By: Josh Gibson

September 08, 2009

Josh Gibson is executive director of the Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington Education Foundation. Comments or questions can be sent to His article on Green Kitchen Audits appears in the September Foodservice Monthly and is presented here as part of an ongoing series of features from the current issue.

foto: The use of the stocked rolling cart at Roosevelt High School limits the number of energy wasting trips into walk-ins.

RAMW-EF and NRA Provide 'Green Kitchen' Audits to Local Schools

The staff in DC’s public schools’ culinary teaching kitchens are used to being on the providing end of education. But, over the past two months, the tables have been turned and the teachers have becomeJg headshot 09 the students. The subject matter? How to design and run a “green” kitchen.

Through a partnership of the National Restaurant Association and the Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington Education Foundation (RAMW-EF), the teaching kitchens at two DC schools, Roosevelt Senior High School and Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, underwent an informal “green” kitchen audit.RAMW-EF coordinated the logistics for the exercise, and the National Restaurant Association conducted the audits.

Wearing the “green eyeshade” for the visits was Chris Moyer, manager of the NRA’s Conserve: Solutions for Sustainability. Through Conserve, Moyer has visited more than 100 restaurants in nearly a dozenGREEN 01 0509  states that are embracing the environmental movement. Read the full story