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TwentyTables Inc


6106 32nd St. NW
Washington, DC 20015
Service Description:
TwentyTables believes that everyone should have access to wholesome, affordable meals no matter what their social circumstance. At TwentyTables, we offer our members predictable, affordable meals from nearby restaurants, provide access to a larger customer base and operating efficiencies to our inventory conscious restaurant partners, and give back to our community of charitable partners. Patrons use our mobile app to easily find and order delicious take-out or dine-in $6 lunches or $12 dinners. Our restaurant partners receive these lunch and dinner orders real-time through this same mobile app. By using TwentyTables, our patrons and partners help feed those in need. For every 20 meals served, we donate 5 meals to benefit the food insecure through our charity partners. With TwentyTables, everyone wins!
Primary Service(s):
Mobile restaurant concierge platform
Ticket-based prix fixe mobile meal facilitator