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At Matchbox restaurants, lunch is big business

September 15, 2012

By Thomas Heath , Washington Post, Capital Business

September 16, 2012

It is 10 a.m. on a late summer Wednesday, and the metabolism at the Matchbox restaurant at 7th and H Street NW in downtown Washington is accelerating to meet the impending lunch crowd.

General Manager John Wyman has been there since 7 a.m., checking the food supply, straightening picture frames, adjusting seats, herding tardy employees to the restaurant. A vacuum roars across the bar floor. A showtime nears, newspapers are placed at each of the 14 place-settings at the bar, so early-bird lunchers have something to read.

The wood-fired pizza ovens are heating to 700 degrees. Food preparers in the kitchen are warming crab soup, chopping herbs and making garlic croutons for that day’s linguine.

Big money is at stake. As it is with many restaurants, lunch plays a crucial role at Matchbox restaurants.

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