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Hello Virginia Restaurants,  Today, Governor Northam announced during his press conference that Virginia will likely enter Phase One of reopening on Friday, May 15th. 
I hope you found a few moments of sunshine this weekend as we are entering yet another busy week, as Governor Northam is likely to address Virginia’s reopening plan as early as today.  We are hard at work on DC’s Reopening plan, and hosted an industry specific call yesterday where we were joined by more than 100 DC operators.
We have heard from many of you who are seeking suppliers for PPE items such as masks and gloves, as well as cleaning supplies like disinfectant and hand sanitizer.  In response, we collected information from local purveyors in our community to provide you with in
Dear Operator,  I hope you are all staying steady as we round the next corners of this rollercoaster.  
Dear Restaurant Operators,
Everyone is talking about the who, what, where, when, and how of reopening.
OpenTable’s In it Together with Chief Operating Officer Andrea Johnston is a weekly webinar series where she discusses the state of the industry with leaders in hospitality. It’s a place to create community and seek advice during these uncertain times.
Original content c/o: National Restaurant Association Learn to recognize coworkers suffering during the pandemic to help restore health and well-being.
We have put together the following insights in hopes it will help our Independent Restaurant customers think about and develop new ways to adapt to our new era. It will be important to remember that things are not the same going forward so hopefully, these insights will help.  
Original conten c/o: National Restaurant Association Put any extra time you have now to work so you’re set to reopen smoothly.
Original content c/o: National Restaurant Association New survey indicates that pent-up demand for restaurants is elevated, even as many consumers maintain their off-premises frequency.
Ecolab is dedicated to providing the most relevant resources and expertise to help you keep your staff and guests safe during the unprecedented times today and the new horizon ahead.  To support you and your team, we continue to update our comprehensive Ecolab COVID-19 resource libraries, created to support achievement of the highest standards of cleanliness, disinfection and hygiene.
You may remember that we were slated to announce the 2020 RAMMY Awards finalists on March 30th, at our annual and grand celebration at The Hamilton Live.  As with all events during this unprecedented time, we had to re-envision the format and platform for this announcement. 
The Ferdinand Metz / American Culinary Federation (ACF) Relief Fund is established to provide timely financial assistance to chefs, cooks, culinarians and foodservice workers across America, experiencing hardship in the wake of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. Criteria for Eligibility
