The Art of Sous Vide: A Celebration of International Sous Vide Day at Conrad WDC

January 26, 2020 - 12:30PM - 03:30PM

Join Cuisine Solutions, the masters of sous vide, to celebrate the art of sous vide cooking and the world's most innovative chefs!

About this Event

Celebrate International Sous Vide Day along with the birthday of the sous vide pioneer himself, Dr. Bruno Goussault. Indulge in culinary artistry, and enjoy interactive tasting stations featuring inspiring cuisine from around the world.

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On Sunday, January 26 in honor of International Sous Vide Day, a sous vide brunch experience will be hosted at the Conrad Washington, DC’s Estuary Restaurant with special guests: Chef Kyle Connaughton (SingleThread), Bryan Voltaggio (Estuary), David Deshaies (Unconventional Diner), Nicholas Tang (DBGB DC), and Todd Gray (Equinox Restaurant).

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The afternoon featuring artful drinks created by incorporating sous vide techniques to complement the tempting passed hors d’oeuvres. Brunch follows in Estuary where guests explore individual food stations spotlighting many of Cuisine Solutions’ signature sous vide proteins and sous vide creations prepared by Washington’s leading restaurants.


All proceeds from this event will benefit Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP).


What: A Celebration of the Art of Sous Vide and Dr. Bruno Goussault

When: Sunday, January 26, 2020, 12:30 – 3:30pm

Where: 950 New York Avenuw NW, WDC 20001

Price: $125 – all proceeds will benefit, C-CAP

Reservations: Required

Suggested Attire: Brunch Chic