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DC Health Link, the District of Columbia's Affordable Care Act health insurance marketplace, offers many different health plans to meet every need and budget. Enrollment is easy, and expert help is available. 
Website Accessibility
Website, social media, QR codes, apps, and more: The modern restaurant is a digital experience now more than ever.  
National Food Safety Month Week 4
In an effort to constantly improve the standards of food safety in the United States, the system of food safety regulations has been evolving gradually throughout the past century, creating fresh guidelines and protocols in reaction to emerging issue
Explore the role personal hygiene plays with food safety, and how a clean kitchen significantly helps protect the health of restaurant guests. 
Builds on Effort to Help Restaurants Comply with District’s Consumer Protection Laws, Ensure Consumers Understand Their Rights     
On Wednesday August 16, 2023 at 12pm ET, GYH Partner Becki Young and GYH Of Counsel David Morris, will host a webinar to educate viewers on visa options for foreign investors.  
